Lesson 3.6:
Communicating Concerns and Asking for Help

Knowing how to ask for help and advocate for yourself is one of the most important skills you can build during college. Life happens, and it often happens at difficult times with some unexpected stressor that occurs during the semester. This could be catching a bad cold, needing to travel unexpectedly, or taking care of a loved one who is unwell. This could take you away from school for some days or even weeks at a time. Though these issues can catch us by surprise, knowing what to do and who to reach out to for support can help you manage these tricky situations. 

The first step when you find yourself unable to complete your schoolwork due to a personal issue is to communicate your concern to others. Professors say that the #1 mistake they see online learners make is disappearing or not communicating when they run into issues. Most of the time professors are willing to listen and make reasonable accommodations as long as students communicate issues to them and actively participate in class.  

Top tips for communicating concerns to your professor 

Reaching out when an issue emerges and advocating for yourself is a great skill to practice in college and beyond. To advocate for yourself, you can: