Lesson 1.2:
Need-to-Know Vocabulary

Did you know that there are different types of online courses? There are three different types of online courses that you can often find offered at your college or university. To learn more about them, and which type of course may suit you, read this page and then take the quiz below.

Asynchronous courses

Asynchronous courses do not have a set meeting time where you meet online live with peers and your professor. You will be responsible for logging on each week to watch lectures, complete assignments, and respond to discussion posts. 

These courses are great for students who:

Synchronous courses

Synchronous courses meet on a regular day and time just like you would in a classroom, but instead, these courses take place online via a virtual meeting platform like Zoom or Google Classroom. 

These courses are great for students who: 

Hybrid courses

Hybrid courses have a mixture of in-person learning at your college campus and learning online. This type of course can have some class meetings that occur on campus and others that occur in a virtual classroom. Hybrid courses could also have only in-person meetings with extensive online learning that will occur outside of the classroom. Hybrid courses can have many different setups, so if you are interested in taking a hybrid course, be sure to read the course description carefully, as each is unique.

These courses are great for students who: